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Avian Influenza

Avian Influenza, caused by Avian Influenza Type “A” Virus, may affect several poultry species (chickens, turkeys, quails, guinea hens, etc.), as well as companion birds and wild bird. Some strains may cause high mortality rates. The virus has been isolated in some mammal species, including humans, rats, mice, weasels, ferrets, pigs, cats, tigers and dogs.

There are several virus strains of Avian Influenza that are classified in two categories: Low-Pathogenic Avian Influenza which usually creates few clinical signs or none in birds; and Highly-Pathogenic Avian Influenza which produces serious clinical signs and/or high mortality in birds.

Strict measures taken both in the US and Mexico for surveillance and control of Avian Influenza are aimed at preventing foods with any possible health risk from reaching consumers. Therefore, affected or suspicious farm birds are euthanized; and rigorous control and follow-up measures are adopted in their environment, making sure that animals and their products do not contribute to spreading the disease.

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