Replacement or “In lieu of” Certificate
It applies for egg products, table eggs, hatching eggs and three days old birds.
It is issued to correct minor data or typos, or in case of loss of the export health certificate, in situations, such as:
The original certificate did not have the required information.
The original certificate had incorrect information (typos).
The name of consignee or importer has changed.
The certificate is lost or damaged.
To request a modification or replacement of the export health certificate, the exporter may:
Request it at USDA’s office at the border in question as long as there are personnel to take care of said request.
In case there is no personnel at the border, it shall be requested before USDA’s official at the establishment or plant where the original export health certificate was issued.
In both instances, an email shall be sent with a document/free text letter indicating the reasons for the request, as well as supplementing such request with form FSIS 9060-6, and the original certificate with its 4 copies shall be returned, except that the original certificate had been lost.
In case the original certificate had been lost, the exporter shall declare on the document/letter
before USDA’s certifying official that if the original certificate is found, it will be returned.
The exporter shall request the replacement certificate within ninety days if the product is not frozen or is not stable. If the product is frozen or stable, the exporter has 364 days to request a replacement certificate.
A replacement certificate for a lot does not represent the current condition of that lot.
The replacement certificate must be dated with the same date appearing on the original certificate.
Multiple export certificates may be issued to replace an original one if the exported product was
subdivided to send to more than one consignee, and if each one of the parties demands an export
certificate, as long as:
1. The lot has originally been manifested in sufficient detail to allow a direct correlation of the
corresponding containers identification and weights on the new certificate; and
2. The original certificate is returned to be cancelled.
No replacement, or “in lieu of”, certificate may be issued in cases where the problem, failure or inconsistency has been of a health nature.