Initiation of Inspection by SENASICA
a) Mexican Foreign Trade Digital Window (VDMCE).
The single window (VDMCE) is intended to allow individuals, through an electronic one-stop shop, to carry out applications regarding importations, exportations and foreign trade transit of goods, in accordance to the steps stated in the Decree, and given the case, those defined by the corresponding Mexican authorities for foreign trade. Through the one-stop shop, documents are managed for the release of goods, and importation processes are authorized or stopped.
Use conditions:
On the 14 th of January, 2011, the Decree creating VDMCE System was published in the
Official Gazette of the Federation.
The VDMCE system will automatically generate four types of folio numbers, which SENASICA’s authorized inspectors will manage in the portal depending on the stage of the paperwork process:
For folio numbers with a 200 included, this refers to the entering procedure for document review. If this phase is met satisfactorily, it will trigger a Document Review Opinion letter. An example of a request folio number under document review would be: 1502200200320137033000004.
When the folio number contains a 500, this is a physical inspection request which triggers an Importation Certificate. An example of a physical inspection request would be: 1502200500120137002000113.
When the folio number contains a 600, this refers to a modification request. An example would be: 150220160012137002000001.
When the folio number contains a 700, this refers to a deferral request or renewal of a previously issued certificate. Example: 150220070012137002000001.
The folio number of a released importation certificate will be 17 digits in length. It is made up in the following way: 3 digits: Customs; 2 digits: OISA; 2 digits: inspection site; 4 digits: year; and consecutive 6 digits. Example: 23039102013002819.
b) Verification and Document Inspection.
The role of the Customs Broker:
The Customs Broker hired by the party interested in importing poultry goods into Mexico shall verify that the goods in accordance to their tariff classification are registered in the “Agreement Setting Forth the Merchandise Classification and Codification whose Importation is Regulated by SADER, through SENASICA” as published in the Official Gazette on September 3, 2012 and its subsequent modifications. This information is contained in the following links:
The Customs Broker shall verify that the merchandise requirements in question are included in the module of animal health requirements for importation in the following link:
The Customs Broker shall file the application before OISA to get the importation certificate. This application shall be submitted through the One-Stop Shop on the following link.
or on SENASICA’s web page:
or in person at the OISA where the merchandise will be crossing.
What OISA’s Staff Do:
OISA´s are the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Offices.
Currently SENASICA has 61 OISA´s and 23 satellite offices that depend operatively on the OISA at ports, airports and borders. The presence of 61 Animal and Plant Inspection Offices allow to deal with the trade and tourist requests at the air, sea and land entry points and Customs offices located inside the Country.
The OISA in question will resolve the importation certificate request through the same channel it was requested.
OISA’s staff in question will verify that the application submitted to the VDMCE, contains the correct information in accordance to the goods to be imported, and it will review the following items in accordance to Article 89 of the Federal Animal Health Act and 61 of the By-laws.
Application form.
Customs, OISA, inspection site, type of request, request, international animal health certificate, tariff classification, description, unit of measure, country of origin, country of departure, use, and species.
Domestic mobilization information, transportation, first federal verification point upon crossing. If the user does not know the information of carrier of goods, this section can be left blank, or if there are different license plates, it shall be indicated that the listing will be attached as a document, making sure it is in the corresponding section.
Destination and exporter with full address. When there is more than one exporter, verify that the one with the largest volume is listed. The address of the destination often times is the same as the business address.
Information regarding payment shall be correctly entered in the corresponding section, proof of payment and the payment key shall match the one declared, and shall correspond with the formality in question. Data entered by hired Customs Broker and to be reviewed by OISA’s staff are: bank, date, access key, amount paid and DPA reference code.
The number and type of presentation of the goods; the number of pallets must be declared as mentioned in the shipment, for example:
Presentation: Pallets
Quantity: 20
Type: Boxes.
Attached documents shall match the data entered and meet the requirements or measures indicated in the combinations or digitalized official letters by the Customs Broker.
c) Verification and physical inspection.
In order to ensure compliance with requirements for the importation of goods regulated and to guarantee the sanitary condition of goods, before the issuance of the importation certificate, SENASICA will physically inspect the goods to be imported into Mexico to make sure they comply with all requirements established in the applicable legal provisions, as the case may be.
Once the Customs Broker hired by the party importing goods into Mexico has obtained the “200” folio number by OISA (which makes sure that the document review was correct), he shall request the physical inspection of the goods. This will take place once there is certainty regarding the shipment crossing to avoid errors in the process.
When the regulations indicate that the goods shall arrive strapped to the entry point, and due to logistics, it is necessary to change the load from a foreign vehicle to a Mexican one, or due to the review by other authorities, OISA’s staff may consider the following:
It may verify the rupture of the strapping when, due to logistics, it is necessary to change the load from a foreign vehicle to a Mexican one, taking into account the following:
a) The person in charge of OISA shall evaluate (based on staff, operations and scheduled activities) if some staff member will do the verification of the strapping.
b) OISA’s staff will check the integrity of the strapping and that the number matches with the declaration on the international sanitary certificate issued by the Country of Origin.
c) If they match, they will break the strapping, and this will be stated on the back of the international sanitary certificate, including: date, name and signature of the person in charge.
d) OISA’s staff will give the documents to the Customs Broker’s representative hired by the person interested in importing goods to Mexico. He shall take them to the inspection site, writing the SADER strapping number on the back of the international sanitary certificate.
Sampling and Submission to the Lab
Depending on the goods, and for those goods where a sample is required according to the regulations, the Customs Broker hired by the individual importing goods to Mexico shall submit a free-text letter to OISA indicating the authorized lab chosen to carry out the goods diagnosis. Often times, OISA suggests the diagnostic laboratory.
The weight and/or sample diagnosis will be taken in accordance to the requirements sheet or the applicable regulations.
When conducting the physical inspection of goods, the following shall be met:
1) OISA’s staff shall wear latex gloves, hairnet or hardhat, jacket, mouth cover, necessary garments and equipment to conduct the inspection. Additionally, they shall use a thermometer to verify product temperature.
2) The Customs Broker’s representative hired by the individual interested in importing goods to Mexico accompanying OISA’s personnel shall have similar garments in order to avoid any possible contamination of goods.
3) OISA’s personnel will determine the cut and the sampling site
4) A reference sample is only taken when the interested individual so requests, and will be under custody at the OISA at the expense of the applicant.
5) If different animal origin goods are submitted in one same container, aside from others not regulated by SENASICA, the load will be accepted in the container as long as there is a physical separation between them preventing cross contamination.
The weight and/or sample diagnostic shall be taken in accordance to the sheet of requirements or the applicable regulations.
In the physical inspection of products and byproducts of animal origin in boxes and combos, OISA’s staff will do as follows:
I Will make a request before the staff at the Sanitary Verification and Inspection Points for Imports (PVIZI) who are in charge of maneuvers of the loads and, given the case, storage of import/export goods regulated by the Ministry.
II Will verify that 100% of the cases or combos are well identified. In the case of meat, variety meats and offals, the following shall be presented:
III Origin label in English with the generic product name, net weight in kg, plant’s name and number, as well as the pack date.
Label in Spanish with the following information, and which matches what is stated on the international sanitary certificate:
Country of Origin
Authorized plant’s name and number
Authorized plant’s address
Product name
Legend: “Manténgase en refrigeración” (“Keep refrigerated”) or “Manténgase en congelación” (“Keep frozen”) as the case may be.
Weight of combos will not be accepted if handwritten with a pen or marker.
All boxes or combos shall visibly bear the inspection stamp by the corresponding health authority from the Country of Origin, as well as the lot number specified in the international sanitary certificate. In case of combos with pieces or whole pieces, 1 piece from each combo will be selected.
For refrigerated product in boxes or combos, OISA’s staff will carry out the sensory examination of one piece of one of the selected boxes or selected pieces from the combos. The rest will be visually verified, and the sampling will be done to send to the lab.
For frozen product, OISA’s staff shall review all boxes, the cut will be made only in one, and from the same one 250 gr (8.8 oz) will be taken for the sensory evaluation.
The sensory inspection (sight, touch, smell) will be done to detect anomalies and/or alteration in color, smell, foreign material and uncommon consistency for the goods to be imported.
d) Opinion on the Formalities.
OISA’s staff shall:
1) Allow the process to continue if there were not any non-compliances during physical inspection of the goods.
2) Deny the process when:
a) Goods do not match the one on the documentation.
b) According to NOM-030-ZOO-1995 Mexican Standard, the allowable limits for acceptance/rejection are exceeded.
c) When the rejection is for some product lot, documentation and product shall be stamped with the legend “Rechazado” (“Rejected”), according to Paragraph 7.6 in the NOM-030-ZOO-1995 Mexican Standard.
3) In case of a partial rejection of goods (for mixed loads), the formality modification may be requested as long as the return or destruction of the rejected goods is verified.
4) Verify that the transportation is clean for the load.