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Label data are not real, they are for exemplification purposes only.


Table Eggs


a) Bulk and Wholesale. 


It is necessary that labels affixed to the boxes of goods contain the information requested by Mexican authority.

The suggestion is to place the label on one end of the box with the information below; it shall be clearly visible, and it shall allow for its full identification.


Original label from the plant in the language of the Country of Origin with the following information:


  • Product name and description.

  • Country of Origin.

  • Destination Country.

  • Quantity/contents of eggs (per box).

  • Plant number and seal.

  • Date of packaging.

  • Expiration date.

  • Number of export health certificate.

  • Lot.


​Additionally, a Spanish language label with the following information:


  • Exporter (company name and address).

  • Importer (Company name, address and Federal Tax Payer ID).

  • Egg Grade (A, AA).

  • Lot.

  • Country of Origin and country of departure.

  • Destination country.

  • Product name and description.

  • Quantity/contents of eggs (per box).

  • Plant number and seal.

  • Packing date.

  • Expiration date.

  • Number of export health certificate.

  • Preservation phrases (keep refrigerated).

  • Production or laying date.


Information on labels shall match the information on the export health certificate.

Example of labels to sell bulk or wholesale table eggs:

(Label data are not real, they are for exemplification purposes only)

b) End-Consumer and Retail.


It is necessary for the labels affixed to the boxes with goods contain the information required by the Mexican authority.

The suggestion is to place the label in the front or on one end of the box with the information below; it shall be clearly visible, and it shall allow for its full identification –the word eggs and the brand name shall be the same size.


Spanish language label with the following information:


  • Product name and description.

  • Country of Origin.

  • Destination Country.

  • Quantity/contents of eggs (per box).

  • Plant number and seal.

  • Date of packaging.

  • Expiration date.

  • Number of export health certificate.

  • Lot.


Spanish language label with the following information:


  • Exporter (company name and address).

  • Importer (Company name, address and Federal Tax Payer ID).

  • Egg Grade (A, AA).

  • Lot.

  • Country of Origin and country of departure.

  • Destination country.

  • Product name and description.

  • Quantity/contents of eggs.

  • Packing date.

  • Fecha de caducidad/expiración.

  • Expiration date.

  • Preservation or handling phrases (keep refrigerated).


Information on labels shall match the information on the export health certificate.


It is necessary for labels affixed to the packages of products ready to eat contain the information the Mexican authority requires in accordance to the NOM-051-SCFI/SSA1-2010 Mexican Official Standard:


10.1 Product designation shall include the treatment it was subjected to.


10.2 If lot identification corresponds to the expiration date or best by date, it shall be preceded by the legend “Lot” and “Expiration Date or Best By Date” –as applicable.


10.3 Indicate the laying date, as well as the best by date for shell eggs.


10.4 For egg products, the expiration date shall be indicated except for frozen products where the best by date shall be indicated.


10.5 Pre-packaged products not intended for end-consumers:


10.5.1 Labels attached to products shall be affixed so that they remain available at the time of use.


10.5.2 Information referred to in this Standard shall be in Spanish language, without prejudice to be expressed in other languages. When the information is expressed in other languages, it shall also appear in Spanish, at least with the same letter size and equally evident.


10.5.3 Ingredients shall be listed in descending quantitative order (m/m).


10.5.4 Domestic or foreign products shall include the legend identifying the Country of Origin of products, e.g. “Made in...”; “Product of...”; “Manufactured in...”; or other similar ones followed by the Country of Origin of the product.


10.5.5 The corresponding date shall be declared in accordance toe what is set forth in items 10.3 and 10.4 herein, which shall comply with the following:

​ The manufacturer shall declare it on the package or label, and it shall consist at least of: Day and month for products with maximum duration of three months; or

​ Month and year for products with a duration superior to three months.

​ Date shall be preceded by a legend specifying that said date refers to the Expiration Date or Best By date.

​ In case of the Expiration Date, it shall be preceded by one of the following legends, their abbreviations or similar legends: “Expiration Date ____”; “Expiration ____”; “Exp. Dat.____”.

​ In case of Preferred By date, it shall be preceded by some of the following legends, their abbreviations or similar legends: “Best by _____”; “BBD ____”.

​ Words prescribed in items and shall be accompanied by the date itself.


10.5.6 Each package shall show or have marked in any manner the lot identification it belongs to, with a coded indication that allows for traceability.


10.5.7 Lot identification included by the manufacturer on the product shall be marked in an indelible and permanent manner.


10.5.8 Lot code shall be preceded by any of the following indications: "LOTE", "Lot", "L", "Lote", "lote", "lot".


10.5.9 If lot identification corresponds to the expiration date or best by date, it shall be preceded by the legends: “Lot” and “Expiration Date or Best By Date”, as the case may be.


10.6 Legends.

Products subject matter of this Standard, shall include the following legends or an equivalent legend, as the case may be:


10.6.1 For shell eggs, include: “Once product is purchased, it is recommended to keep refrigerated".


10.6.2 For products requiring refrigeration or freezing, the following legend shall be included, as the case may be: “Keep or Maintain under Refrigeration or Frozen".


10.6.3 For frozen products, it shall be indicated: “Once Thawed out, it Shall not be Refrozen, and Use Immediately”.


10.6.4 For dehydrated products: “Keep in a Fresh and Dry Place”; “Once Rehydrated, Use at Once".


10.6.5 For pasteurized and ascetically packaged products: “Once Package is Open, it Shall be Kept under Refrigeration for no more than 48 Hours”; or “Once Package is Open, Keep Refrigerated for no more than 48 Hours”.


10.6.6 Legends above shall be indicated clearly and with highlighted characters, so they are visible for consumers.


If you wish to know more about NOM-051-SCFI/SSA1-2010 Mexican Official Standard, you may click on the following link:

Egg Products.


Label data are nor real, they are for exemplification purposes only.


Egg products inspected in any authorized plant, will be pasteurized before leaving.



a) Bulk or Wholesale.


It is necessary that labels affixed to the boxes of goods contain the information requested by Mexican authority.


The suggestion is to place the label on one end of the box with the information below; it shall be clearly visible, and it shall allow for its full identification.


Original label from the plant in the language of the Country of Origin with the following information:


  • Product name and description.

  • Country of Origin and country of departure.

  • Destination Country.

  • Plant number and seal.

  • Date of packaging.

  • Best By date.

  • Number of export health certificate.

  • Lot.

  • Preservation or handling phrases (Keep Frozen).

  • Net weight.


Information on labels shall match the information on the export health certificate.

Example of labels to sell bulk or wholesale egg products

 (whole frozen eggs with citric acid):

a) To Sell to End-Consumer or at Retail.


It is necessary that labels affixed to the boxes of goods contain the information requested by Mexican authority.


Label in Spanish language independently from having another label in the language of the Country of Origin.

They shall have the corresponding labeling in a clear and legible manner, aside from the nutritional information.


Nutritive declaration on the label of prepackaged products is mandatory, and independent from the labeling specifications of the front label panel.


Label in Spanish language with the following information:


  • Brand name.

  • Indicate temperature at which they shall be kept, and period during which quality is guaranteed.

  • Common name of product, and –if the product is made of two or more ingredients– a list of ingredients in descending quantitative order.

  • Packages shall keep visible the inspected stamp by the corresponding health authority of the Country of Origin (USDA), and the processing plant number.

  • Importer/distributor’s name and address.

  • Manufacturer’s name and address.

  • List of ingredients in descending quantitative order (for ingredients 5% and higher of the composition, water, added colors, additives, etc.).

  • Nutrition Facts (energy content, fat, protein, sodium, etc.).

  • Supplementary information to Nutrition Facts (vitamins and minerals or use or preparation instructions).

  • Contents, net weight and drained mass (as the case may be).

  • Best By date.

  • Country of Origin using the legend “Made in” or “Product of”.

  • Legend: “Keep Refrigerated” or “Keep Frozen”; and Keep at – degrees “C”, as the case may be.

  • Corresponding lot number or numbers.


Information on labels shall match the information on the export health certificate.

This labeling information can be done once the goods entered the Country, after Customs Clearance, but before it is sold to end-consumers. Thus, it is recommended to contract an Authorized Verification Unit (UVA).


Commercialization of Hatching Eggs


It is necessary that labels affixed to the boxes of goods contain the information requested by Mexican authority.


The suggestion is to place the label on one end of the box with the NPIP logo, and the allocated approval number, exporter and importer’s data, as well as the export health certificate number. Additionally, the labels with the information below shall be clearly visible, and they shall allow for its full identification.


Plant’s original label in the language of the Country of Origin with the following information:


  • Name and description of product (variety, line or commercial name).

  • Country of Origin and country of departure.

  • Destination Country.

  • Quantity/contents of eggs (per box).

  • Hatchery’s number and seal.

  • Pack date.

  • Export health certificate number.

  • Lot.

  • Preservation or handling phrases (keep at certain ° C).

  • Production or laying date.


Additionally, a Spanish language label with the following information:


  • Exporter (company name and address).

  • Importer (Company name, address and Federal Tax Payer ID).

  • Lot.

  • Country of Origin and country of departure.

  • Destination country.

  • Product name and description (variety, line or commercial name).

  • Quantity/contents of eggs (per box).

  • Hatchery’s number and seal.

  • Shipping date.

  • Number of export health certificate.

  • Preservation phrases (keep at certain °C).

  • Production or laying date.


Information on labels shall match the information on the export health certificate.

Birds up to Three Days of Age for Commercialization


It is necessary for the labels affixed to the trays or containers where birds are transported to have the information required by the Mexican authority.

The suggestion is to place the label on one end of the trays or containers with the information below; it shall be clearly visible, and it shall allow for its full identification.


Plant’s original label in the language of the Country of Origin with the following information:


  • Name and description of product (variety, line or commercial name).

  • Country of Origin and country of departure.

  • Destination Country.

  • Quantity/number of birds.

  • Hatchery’s number and seal.

  • Shipping date.

  • Export health certificate number.

  • Lot/flock.

  • Preservation or handling phrases (keep at certain ° C).

  • TYPE AND USE (commercial, multiplier or primary breeder for egg or meat production or others).



Additionally, a Spanish language label with the following information:


  • Exporter (company name and address).

  • Importer (Company name, address and Federal Tax Payer ID).

  • Lot/flock.

  • Country of Origin and country of departure.

  • Destination country.

  • Product name and description.

  • Quantity/contents of eggs (per box).

  • Hatchery’s number and seal.

  • Shipping date.

  • Number of export health certificate.

  • Preservation or handling phrases (keep at certain °C).

  • TYPE AND USE (commercial, multiplier or primary breeder for egg or meat production or others).

Example of labels to sell table eggs to end-consumers or at retail: 

(Label data are not real, they are for exemplification purposes only)

Example of labels to sell egg products to end-consumers or at retail

(whole eggs-frozen eggs with citric acid):

Captura de Pantalla 2019-12-19 a la(s) 1

Example of labels for hatching eggs:

Example of labels for birds up to three days of age:

Information on labels shall match the information on the export health certificate.


What is an Authorized Verification Unit (UVA)?


Authorized Verification Units (UVAs) are private companies approved by the Ministry of Economy. They are entitled to issue opinions and letters for domestic and imported products; and to grant services to the public to help them with the correct filling of the commercial label in accordance to the Mexican Official Standards.


Among the services they provide, we find the following:


Conformity Letter:  Document endorsing the compliance with the label of origin of imported or domestic products. It allows to prove the compliance in accordance to the applicable Mexican Official Standard (NOM). This document is valid for the applicant to prove compliance with the NOM before the authority requesting it –PROFECO, SENASICA, DGN, CUSTOMS, COFEPRIS.


Compliance Opinion: Letter endorsing compliance only with lot, shipping order or load number, indicated on the pedimento (customs entry document) and the invoice. This facilitates the release of goods and their transportation to the address indicated on the application for labeling.


The objective of this opinion is to help importation of products, even if it is not fully compliant with the corresponding NOM, for them to be relabeled in Mexico before marketing it.


If you are interested in contracting services of an UVA, you may search on your own, or click on the following links:



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