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a) For wolesale or foodservice

 It is necessary that the information or labels affixed to the boxes include the information required by the Mexican health authority in accordance to NOM- 030-ZOO-1995 Mexican Standard.


It is suggested that on a side of the box or combo, the following information is shown: It shall be clearly seen and full identification shall be possible.


Printed information or original label from the plant in the language of the Country of Origin with the following data:


  • Generic product name.


  • Net weight in Kg.


  • Plant name, number and stamp.


  • Packing date.

The information on the labels must coincide with the information on the health certificate for export and the sections of Art. 89 of the Federal Animal Health Law that apply in accordance with the corresponding HRZ .

Example of how an original label from the plant should look (data shown are not real, used only for demonstration, USDA Inspection Legend can only be applied at the establishment where the product was produced or processed under USDA supervision):

Aside from the original label from the plant in English, it is recommended that a label with all the information in Spanish is made available (including data of the original label from the plant), making sure that information on both labels match (data shown are not real, used only for demonstration USDA Inspection Legend can only be applied at the establishment where the product was produced or processed under USDA supervision):

b) For direct sale to end consumer or at retail

It is important to known that labeling NOM-051-SCFI/SSA1-2010 can be done after the goods have entered into Mexico –after customs clearance–, but before it is sold to end consumers. Thus, it is recommended to hire a Verification Unit.


It is necessary that the information or labels affixed to Ready-to-Eat product packages, have the information that the Mexican health authority requires in accordance to NOM-051-SCFI/SSA1-2010 Mexican Standard, namely:


  • Name of product.


  • Brand name.


  • Importer/trader’s name and address.


  • Manufacture’s name and address.


  • List of ingredients in descending order (for ingredients 5% and up in the composition, water, colorants, additives, etc.).


  • Nutritional information (energy, fat, protein, sodium content, etc.).


  • Supplementary nutritional information (vitamins and minerals, use or cooking instructions).


  • Contents, net weight and drained mass (as the case may be).


  • Expiration date.


  • Country of origin using the legend: “hecho en” (“made in”) or “producto originario de” (“product from”).


  • Legend: "manténgase en refrigeración" (“keep refrigerated”) or "consérvese en congelación" (“keep frozen”) and “manténgase a - grados° C” (“keep at - ° C”) as the case may be.


  • Lot or corresponding lot number(s).


It is mandatory to declare the following data, except for pre-packaged/pre-bottled non-alcoholic beverages and foods regulated under other applicable regulations:


a) Energy content.

b) Protein content.


c) Carbohydrate amount or available carbohydrates, indicating the amount corresponding to sugars.

d) Fat or lipid amount indicating the amount corresponding to saturated fats.

e) Diet fiber content.

f) Sodium content.

g) Any other nutrient amount included in the declaration of properties.

h) Amount of any other nutrient which is considered important, regulated by the corresponding regulations.


Example of labels to sell to end consumers or at retail (data shown are not real, used only for demonstration):

The nutritional declaration on the label of prepackaged goods is mandatory and independent from the nutritional front panel (data shown are not real, used only for demonstration):


Front labeling system


  • When the regulation profiles are exceeded, 5 possible stamps will be included. The size of the stamps, the grouping, the order and the location vary depending on the presentation of the product. There are stamps with numbers instead of with legends (excess calories, sugars, saturated fat, trans fat, sodium) for labels smaller than 40 cm2. The specific text content, proportions and format of the stamps are specified in the standard.

  • If your product contains caffeine and / or sweeteners, the warning legends must be displayed in the correct location and ratio.


Warning stamps











NOTE: It is important to consider size and other requirements regarding the front labeling system, warning legends, approvals, health claims, and the use of cartoon characters on products intended for children. You can review more details in the "Download documents" section.

If you need to know more about the details regarding NOM-051-SCFI/SSA1-2010 Mexican Standard and the correct labeling of products for sale to end consumers or wholesale, please follow this link:


If you need to know more about the details regarding NOM-051-SCFI/SSA1-2010 Mexican Standard modification on march 27 ,2020 and the correct labeling of products for sale to end consumers or wholesale, please follow this link:


What is an Authorized Verification Unit (UVA)?


Authorized Verification Units (UVAs) are private companies approved by the Ministry of Economy. They are entitled to issue opinions and letters for domestic and imported products; and to grant services to the users to help them with the correct filling of the commercial label in accordance to the Mexican Official Standards.


Among the services they provide, we find the following:


Conformity letter: Document endorsing the compliance with the label of origin of imported or domestic products. It allows to prove the compliance in accordance to the applicable Mexican Official Standard (NOM). This document is valid for the applicant to prove compliance with the NOM before the authority requesting it –PROFECO, DGN, ADUANA, COFEPRIS.


Compliance opinion: Letter endorsing compliance only with lot, shipping order or load number, indicated on the pedimento (customs entry document) and the invoice. This facilitates the release of goods and their transportation to the address indicated on the application for labeling. The objective of this opinion is to help importation of products, even if it is not fully compliant with the corresponding NOM, for them to be relabeled in Mexico before selling it.

If you are interested in contacting an UVA to get these services, you may do it on your own or click on the following link:

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