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Origin Processing Plant Process

a) Approach USDA to Request Authorization.

  • If a processing, handling or storage plant located in the USA is interested in exporting to Mexico, it is necessary for that plant to be approved and authorized by the sanitary authority in the USA –AMS and the Local State Department.

  • Seek the authorization/granting of the plant stamp issued by USDA.

  • Comply with what is set forth in the Final Rule regarding Salmonella Enteritidis prevention in shell eggs during production and transportation:

  • To be current with its tax registration, return and payment before the US Government –having a TAX ID or Tax ID Number.

  • To be located in a State free from diseases forbidden in Mexico, e.g. Newcastle disease or Avian Influenza.

  • Establishing the written procedures/records to provide the flock identification system and procedures to maintain shell eggs identity from production through transportation, storage, processing and packaging (traceability).

  • Keeping all applicable records for one year.

b) Plant Inspection Stamps

Inspection Stamps

  • Once USDA inspects the facilities and processes of plants which wish to be authorized for processing, handling and/or storing eggs, they will be provided an authorization number and a rubber stamp which shall be stamped on boxes and/or packages of products exported to Mexico. 

  • Packages and cases of goods shall be marked/labeled with USDA’s inspected stamp and with the establishment number (e.g. PLANT-42), which is allocated to the plant where the product is produced/processed and it is the number identifying the plant.

  • Los empaques y cajas de la mercancía deberán estar marcados/etiquetados con el sello de inspección del

  • The establishment number may appear on the package inside USDA’s inspected stamp as shown in the picture. It may also appear anywhere outside the package or on the package label, as long as it is present in a prominent manner, on all goods and/or cases in a legible manner and of the appropriate size ensuring good visibility and easy recognition.

Processed Egg Products Stamp

c) Items that Are to Be Considered for Table Egg Loads.

  • Eggs were disinfected in the processing plant and packaged in new cardboard cases sealed with tape, or packaged in cardboard, polyethylene or molded pulp cartons; stacked on disinfected wooden pallets and boxes wrapped for stability with plastic film. Each case or pallet with the cartons are identified with USDA stamp.

  • Vehicles carrying goods shall be only dedicated to food transportation. On August 27th, 1999, FSIS made effective the regulation requiring:

    • Packaged eggs for consumers should be stored and transported under refrigeration without temperature of air (surrounding them) exceeding 45 °F (7.2 °C).

    • All packaged shell eggs should be labeled with a statement indicating that refrigeration is required.

LQuestions related to export certification for egg products regulated by FSIS can be submitted to the importation/exportation and policy development coordination staff at: or call: 202-720-0082 o al 1-855-444-9904.

Sanitary Provisions and Specifications

NOM-159-SSA1-2016 Mexican Official Standard: Goods and Services. Eggs, Egg Products and Derivatives. Sanitary Provisions and Specifications. Test Methods.

Amendments to NOM-159-SSA1-2016, which was published in the Official Gazette of the Federation on August 15th, 2019, were aimed at adding sanitary provisions for washing operations of shell eggs, allowing producers, importers and commercialization companies of shell eggs the option of washing during the process without affecting product safety.

Therefore, all and each of the following items shall be met in case washed eggs are exported from the US to Mexico.

Compliance with the applicable specifications in item 6.1.10 of this Standard and the following: Washing and drying operations shall be carried out immediately after recollection of eggs; Once they are dried, they can be coated with an appropriate edible oil or with a coating agent allowed to this end in item 7.3 of this Standard;

7.3 Food Additives.

Additives allowed for the products subject matter of this Standard, are those established in the Agreement by which additives and coadjutants for foods, beverages and food supplements, their use and sanitary provisions and modifications are determined. Washed and dried eggs, coated or not, shall be kept under refrigeration until sold, in accordance to item of this Standard, and For shell eggs subjected to refrigeration, the cold chain shall be maintained throughout the process, i.e., until sold to consumers. Eggs which were washed shall comply with the provisions of item 10.6.2 of this Standard.

10.6.2 For products requiring refrigeration or freezing, the corresponding legend: “Keep under Refrigeration or Frozen” shall be included as the case may be.

6.1.10 Washing. Washing of eggs with drinking water and detergent intended to this end –following the manufacturer instructions– shall be done immediately before they are used as raw material. When rinsing, no detergent residues shall be left on eggs. Washing of egg shell shall be done exclusively using mechanical means, with procedures preventing microbial penetration inside eggs. During washing, the following requirements shall be met: Washing water shall be fully changed maximum every four hours, as long as the circumstances do not make it necessary to change it earlier –in order to keep sanitary conditions and effectiveness of the operation. Water temperature for washing eggs shall be kept at least at 32 °C (90 °F), and not to exceed 45 °C (113 °F). Under no circumstances, eggs shall be submerged and/or held in the washing water. All eggs subjected to washing shall be treated with a food-grade sanitizing agent which could be incorporated into the final rinse water.

If you wish to read the original publication of 2018 NOM-159-SSA1-2016 Standard, you may click on the following link:

If you wish to read the amended version of 2019 NOM-159-SSA1-2016 Standard, you may click on the following link:


Egg Backlight Inspection

In egg backlight inspection, light is used to determine egg quality. An automated piece of equipment examining large quantities is used by most egg packers to identify eggs with cracked shells or defects inside. During backlight inspection, eggs move on a conveyor and pass through mechanical sensors integrated with computer systems to separate defective eggs. Advanced technologies, using computerized cameras and sound wave technology, are also included for segregation of eggs.

NAFTA Certificate of Origin

The Certificate of Origin is a document allowing importers or exporter to accredit the country or region from which goods are considered originating from, and it is used to receive tariff preferences.

It should be attached to an invoice if the shipment’s value is greater than 1.000 USD (US Dollars) and it is sent to Mexico from the USA.


Shipments with a value under the previous amount do not require a NAFTA Certificate of Origin. In its place, the client shall write the following phrase on the shipment invoice::

"I hereby certify that the goods in this shipment are merchandises meeting origin requirements in accordance to the preferential tariff specified in NAFTA.”

Non-producing exporters frequently request from producers or distributors a NAFTA Certificate of Origin as a proof that the end goods, or inputs used in the manufacturing of goods, meets the origin requirements. NAFTA does not oblige a producer who is not an exporter to give Certificates of Origin


to the end exporter. However, if said producer completes the Certificate of Origin, it shall be subject to the same obligations to keep accounting records, and other exporters’ obligations. In this situation, the exporter shall provide its own Certificate (not the producer’s Certificate) to the importer. The producer’s statement shall be kept it in the exporter’s files as a support of its own certificate. 

The ISO code for the United States of America is "US".


A) La denominación del producto preenvasado debe aparecer en negrillas dentro de la superficie principal de exhibición de la etiqueta, en línea paralela a la base como se encuentra diseñado el producto y cumpliendo con las disposiciones de denominación contenidas en una Norma Oficial Mexicana de producto preenvasado.

B) Se deben declarar todos aquellos ingredientes o aditivos que pueden causar hipersensibilidad, intolerancia o alergia, de conformidad con los ordenamientos jurídicos correspondientes.

a) Los siguientes alimentos e ingredientes pueden causar hipersensibilidad y deben declararse siempre:

-Huevos, sus productos y sus derivados.

C) 4.8.1 El producto preenvasado debe ostentar la información obligatoria a que se refiere esta Norma Oficial Mexicana en idioma español, sin perjuicio de que se exprese en otros idiomas. Cuando la información obligatoria se exprese en otros idiomas debe aparecer también en español, de conformidad con lo establecido en la presente Norma Oficial Mexicana.

D) Los alimentos y bebidas no alcohólicas preenvasados nacionales o de procedencia extranjera deben incorporar la leyenda que identifique el país de origen de los productos, por ejemplo: "Hecho en..."; "Producto de ..."; "Fabricado en ...", u otras análogas, seguida del país de origen del producto, sujeto a lo dispuesto en los tratados internacionales de que los Estados Unidos Mexicanos sean parte. Se permite el uso de gentilicios y otros términos análogos, siempre y cuando sean precisos y no induzcan a error en cuanto al origen del producto. Por ejemplo: "Producto español", "Producto estadounidense", entre otros.

E) 3.44 Responsable del producto

persona física o moral que importe o que elabore un producto o que haya ordenado su elaboración total o parcial a un tercero.

F) En un producto preenvasado, debe indicarse en la etiqueta el nombre, denominación o razón social y domicilio fiscal del responsable del producto de manera enunciativa mas no limitativa: calle, número, código postal y entidad federativa en que se encuentre.

G) 4.2.7 Fecha de caducidad o de consumo preferente.

H) Cada envase debe llevar grabada o marcada de cualquier modo la identificación del lote al que pertenece, con una indicación en clave que permita su rastreabilidad.

I) Al declarar la fecha de caducidad o de consumo preferente se debe indicar en la etiqueta cualquiera de las condiciones especiales que se requieran para la conservación del alimento o bebida no alcohólica preenvasado, si de su cumplimiento depende la validez de la fecha.

Por ejemplo, se pueden incluir leyendas como: "manténgase en refrigeración"; "consérvese en congelación"; "una vez descongelado no deberá volverse a congelar"; "una vez abierto, consérvese en refrigeración", u otras análogas.

J) Quedan exceptuados de incluir la declaración nutrimental los productos siguientes, siempre y cuando no incluyan alguna declaración de propiedades nutrimentales o saludables:

I. productos que incluyan un solo ingrediente. 

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